
Gender-related Differences in Clinical Variables Associated with Survival of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation

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Little is known about gender-related differences in clinical variables affecting the survival in inpatients with atrial fibrillation (AF). We recorded and compared clinical data and long-term mortality between 126 males and 124 females hospitalised with paroxysmal/persistent AF. Women were older and more symptomatic than men. Hypertension and renal dysfunction were more common in females, while dyslipidemia and smoking prevailed in males. Males were more likely to have a decreased left ventricular function and segmental wall motion abnormalities. On a median of a 39-month follow-up, mortality was comparable in males and females (p=0.6). Older age was significantly associated with poor survival in both groups. New-onset AF was significantly associated with shorter survival in males (Odds Ratio [OR] 3.35). In females, diabetes mellitus was significantly associated with increased mortality (OR 2.45), while statin treatment predicted better survival (OR 0.45). Gender-related differences in clinical characteristics were observed in inpatients with AF. Mortality was comparable in men and women. However, several clinical variables, which affect prognosis, were found sex-related.

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